Saturday, March 29, 2008


Ok I know I am really behind, but I am going to try to catch up on this last month. My sister, Melissa, announced they are having a GIRL when they came down for Sean's wedding a few weeks ago. YEA!!! We are so excited. They asked Nicholas what they should name the baby and he said sacrifice. I thought that was a very strange word to pick, especially since I can't remember any FHE's or other lessons on sacrifice. He was didn't want to pick any other name- just sacrifice. After a few minutes my mom commented that it was probably a very appropriate name. Think about it. When you are getting up for the third time in the night and it is only 1:00 AM- SACRIFICE. When the hospital bill comes in the mail- SACRIFICE. When you are changing the 5th dirty diaper of the day- SACRIFICE. When they have a breakdown in the store and they are inconsolable and screaming- SACRIFICE.
The week after that Nicholas had to say the closing prayer in primary. I came it to watch and make sure he was ok. He wasn't nervous and all and got right up there and said a beautiful prayer. At the end he said, "Please bless the missionaries so they can teach the people and get baptized, (slight pause) and help them to be safe in the water because there are crocodiles. In the name of Jesus Christ amen." As soon as he said amen the whole primary burst out laughing. It was hilarious. That kid always keeps us laughing!


Jaimee said...

I LOVE Nicholas' prayer! That is awesome! Congrats to Melissa on her baby girl and I enjoyed the truthful analysis on parenting.