Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mini me's and now....?

Many people have told us that Nicholas is a little mini Carlos and Eliza is a mini Marci. Here are some pictures of the us when we were about the kids age.

The question has always been "Ok now you have one of each of you, what is the NEXT one going to look like?" Well we will soon find out in February! I am 18 weeks along and we will find out what we are having on Wednesday. We can't wait to see if it will be a boy with blue eyes and light hair, or maybe a girl with brown eyes and dark hair...? Too bad ultrasounds can't be in color!


Sarah S. said...

Congratulations! How exciting for you guys. I agree it will be fun to see what this next one looks like. I predict a perfect mix of both of you!

Unknown said...

I predict red hair and green eyes!

WE can't wait to find out HERMANA or HERMANO!

Johnny says boy, Maggie says girl (big surprise, here). WOOHOO!

Terese Hamilton said...

I can't wait to find out! I definitely think he/she will be a good mix of the two (at least that's how it was with us).

Carrie Carp said...

Holy crap, Marci, congratulations! I say it'll be a black baby boy. I think that would be perfect! Mine started Native American, turned Hispanic, and is a total white boy now...

So how long does it take after your first child to want to think about having a second? Three sounds like such a big number right now, so you'll have to take notes to help the rest of us out... If anyone can do it, it's you!

King Family said...

Congrats! Nathan & I came across your blog and said the same thing... It's amazing how much Nicholas looks like Carlos and how much Eliza looks like you too. Please keep us posted. We love the blog!

Anne said...

Cute pictures! We're so excited for you guys and can't wait to hear what you're having.

Lindsey said...

That is great news! Congratulations! There is no doubt he or she will be darling. Cute pics of you and Carlos.

My World said...

Congratulations!!! Your kids are too cute...and you are right, so far you have mini-mes for both of you. The next one will be Carlos's coloring with your features...

I hope you don't mind, I found your blog on Summer's and popped in to take a peek!!!